Ferris Beullers Day Off
- Titles
- Talks to camera
- Repeats the main characters name
- Music
- Shows film title at the end
- Quick cuts
- Close-ups to show expressions
- Humour to grab audience attention
- Introduces characters through titles
- Promotes his personality through others
- Institution- 20th Century Fox
The Breakfast Club
- Deep voice narration
- Quick cuts
- Humour
- No rolling credits, just one frame.
- Jolly music
Pans Labrynth
- Horror
- Creepy music
- Deep voice over narrartion
- Introduces main character
- No dialogue - because it is a spanish film
- Reviews from others to promote
- Qucik cuts at the end to conclude
- Title is shown at the end
- Shows mostly facial expressions to link to film genre
- About being pregnant
- 'the bumbs we cant avoid' - pun
- Audience= teens
- No narration, plenty of dialogue
- Titles
- Music
- Animated film
- Black and White
- Linked to religion
- reviews to promote film
- humor used to attract audience
- Voice over - deep narration
Angus Thongs & Perfect Snogging
- English film
- Shows title 3 times
- Different settings throughout the trailer (beach, bedroom, school, clubs etc.)
- Teenage audience
- Clearly shows the diseqillibrium
Son of Ranbow
- Based on making an action adventure movie
- Relationships
- Disequillbrium- religion
- Animated titles
- No Narration only dialogue
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