Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Beginning: (flashback) a couple; Mateda and Richard are playing ‘peek a boo’ with 1 year old son, Conner.  Taylor (11 year old girl having the flashback) is jealous and runs into the back garden she then damages the garden shed by throwing rocks at it. She goes back into the house and her parents and little brother have gone; the front door is open and a man wearing a black mask and searches the house. Taylor is taken by the man and is put in the car; as she stares out the window she sees her parents car smashed up on the corner of the road; Taylor bangs on the window (flashback fades back to normal) to show Taylor 2 years later looking back at the damaged shed.

Parents die and he knows all the secrets.  

1 comment:

  1. Great start. You need to play up the genre elements more strongly. What are the codes and conventions of AA which should be here? Think about the quest side - the right V wrong element - the action sequences.
